5 Ways to Stay Motivated

No matter what goals you’re working towards, it’s possible to lose motivation or momentum. You could be wanting to lose 20 pounds but don’t see the scale move. Maybe you want to pay off debt, but your car broke down and your rent was raised. Things feel hopeless, but all is not lost! Here are a few tips to stay motivated, even on your worst days. Even during a global pandemic. Even if the end goal seems out of reach. Remember, small incremental changes will add up to big changes if you KEEP GOING.

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Shannon BallyComment
How To Use Time to Your Advantage

There are so many things in my life that I can accomplish if I know I have a deadline. 

If I need to be at work at a certain time, I set a timer for when I need to leave to get there with enough time to fight traffic, find a parking spot, and schlep all my crap from the car to the office. 

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Shannon BallyComment
How Our Experiences Shape Us

We are such a headline driven society. We want the highlight reel, not the full, detail ridden story of drama that unfolds. Many of my fellow vets (myself included) have stories to tell. I, especially, like to give the details and elaborate on the sweaty salt-starched stiffness of my uniform to the hypochondriac side that’s sure there’s something growing in my lungs from the burn pits in Iraq.

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Shannon Bally