5 Ways to Stay Motivated
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5 Ways to Stay Motivated When You Want to Quit
No matter what goals you’re working towards, it’s possible to lose motivation or momentum. You could be wanting to lose 20 pounds but don’t see the scale move. Maybe you want to pay off debt, but your car broke down and your rent was raised. Things feel hopeless, but all is not lost! Here are a few tips to stay motivated, even on your worst days. Even during a global pandemic. Even if the end goal seems out of reach. Remember, small incremental changes will add up to big changes if you KEEP GOING.
Have a plan
Having a plan can help you when things don’t go how you want them to…
It’s completely normal to feel a lack of motivation from time to time. The best way to prepare yourself for a momentary lull in motivation is to anticipate it, plan for it, and set boundaries around it. If you wake up one morning and don’t want to work on your goal, how long will you give yourself to sit in that moment. Do you allow yourself an hour? Or a day? What happens on day two in a row of no motivation? What’s your plan to get back on track after the setback? Having a plan already set not only helps you get back on track, but allows you to give yourself the grace to make mistakes or to have “off” days.
Enlist a buddy
Having a pacing partner or accountability buddy can help push you out of your comfort zone
Goals and habits can be reinforced by a friend, coach, or partner who wants to see you succeed. Joining a mastermind or enlisting the help of a coach is a great way to make sure you stay on track when you lose your motivation. When you have to be accountable for your progress, you are more likely to continue working towards it.
Finding someone who has similar goals to you that can push you while working on their own goals is called a pacing partner. If your goal is to workout 5 times per week, check in with that partner with a sweaty selfie each time you complete your workout. If you have a sales goal to meet, find someone with a similar sales goal and text them every time you make a sale. Having someone who is rooting for you and is interested in your progress helps keep you motivated when you might otherwise feel like giving up.
Start with minimum effort
Start on your next task with something as simple as getting dressed for the job.
Chances are that once you start you will keep going. If you take all the effort to put your exercise clothes on and prepare to work out, you will likely push yourself to go beyond the bare minimum. Like Nike says “Just Do It”. Just start where you know you need to with the intention of just doing a minimal amount of work towards your goal. It is very likely you will keep going once you start. Also, pay attention to how accomplished you feel after you complete a task that pushes you further towards your goal(s).
Remember why and where you started
Remember where and why you started.
Sometimes a lack of motivation can arise because we don’t see noticeable progress with the routine or habits we have been using to work towards our goals. This is why it’s important to establish benchmarks and progress measures early on. How are you tracking your progress.
Make sure you are using more than one measure if you can. If you’re trying to get healthy, are you only tracking your weight, or are you being mindful about how your clothes are fitting? If you want to pay off debt, are you only looking at the numbers or are you celebrating each account that is paid off and re-evaluating as you go?
Consistency is Key
Consistency is key!
It’s so much harder to stop and restart and stop and restart than it is to just keep going, constantly. Make work on your goals a habit. James Clear gives amazing tips on forming habits in his book Atomic Habits (Affiliate Link). Start with just a small, consistent practice and see how you grow and gain momentum.
So, what’s your plan to stay motivated towards you goals? I’d love to hear about it, and I can’t wait to cheer you on!!